#OromoRevolutions Details of the State of Emergency advances strategic objectives of the movement. How? Check out this.
#OromoRevolutions Details of the State of Emergency advances strategic objectives of the movement. How? Check out this.
(By Jawar Mohammad)

- The rules impose restriction on transportation and production of goods by factories...which further paralyses the economic pillar of the regime...which is the core of our strategy. When you are blessed, your enemy lends a helping hand :)
- Some of the directives are just funny and impossible to implement. For instance it says its illegal to communicate without forces using facebook etc. Well how the hell would the regime know using its backward INSA that cannot even protect the basic infrastructures from #Oromohactivists?
Below is the full statement as presented by Capital Ethiopia
Details of the State of Emergency announced
Details of the State of Emergency was announced by Siraj Fegessa Minister of Defence and Secretariat of the Command Post on Saturday December 15. The details include travel ban and a curfew on investments, major projects and governmental institutions.
Here are the major points
According to the details Diplomats of other Nations cannot go outside of Addis Ababa city on a 40 Kilometer radius. It is stated that the ban is said to be for their own security.
Moreover 50 kilometers from borders inside the country is now a red zone and anyone cannot carry a firearm even if it is legal or any other inflammable things on this red zone. The red zone also includes the country’s major roads that connect to neighboring countries.
The side of the roads to the tune of 25 kilometers on both sides are classified as red zones, according to the secretariat. These roads include the Addis-Djibouti, Addis-Shashamane-Moyale, Addis-Shashamane-Dolo, Addis-Assosa, Addis – Harar, Addis – Gambela, Addis Gebreguracha, Gondar-Metema, and Gondar-Humera.
A curfew was also imposed on major projects, factories, farms and governmental institution that runs from dusk to dawn. The announcement said that anyone cannot enter these institutions after 6 pm and before 6 am. If anyone violates these rules, security forces are ordered to take the necessary measures.
All political parties are also banned from giving press statements that incites violence.
The details also states that no one including religious leaders cannot make political statements on religious gatherings, national, and sportive festivities.
Educational institutions are also included in the details. The directive states that it is banned to demonstrate in educational institutions.
Security forces are also banned to ask for a leave and cannot also resign from their position.
It is also banned to communicate with outside forces using any means of communication including Facebook or any other social media.
Refugees cannot also leave their camp without proper authorization.
It is also illegal now to watch TV stations such as ESAT and OMN and other radio stations.
No one cannot shut down licensed businesses.
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