I endorse Obbo Lamma Magarsa to be Ethiopia’s transitional prime minister!

I endorse Obbo Lamma Magarsa to be Ethiopia’s transitional prime minister!
While calling for the endorsement of president Lamma Magarsaa to be the interim transitional prime minister of Ethiopia, I call for the Oromo and all people (nations and nationalities) of Ethiopia to grasp the dangerous cloud that is looming over the county and stand with a choice that has a better chance of saving the country from a regime that chose to throw the entire country under the flames, just to live another day.
Lamma Megersa is the right and only choice because from all possible candidates known to the public under the EPRDF, he is the one that is worthy of testing our skepticism in terms of pushing and forcing the regime’s move to a right direction.
As we can’t do an overnight fair and free election to chose a party and its leadership out of the just released leaders or other opposition part leadership, and at this time none of them can be chosen to be a prime minister of a dying regime, EPRDF, from all available choice in EPRDF Mr. Lamma is the most viable candidate to lead the transformation and transition.
It is to be understood that this choice is not immune from disappointment as the regime’s intent and decisions are the major factors of the successful transformation and transition of the country.
My endorsement comes with an expectations that Mr. Lamma draws energy from Qeerroo and Fanno to be bold and courageous in facing the reactionary agencies that would attempt to sabotage the road of transition in all the party’s that make up EPRDF.
If confirmed as a prime minster, Mr. Lamma is expected to expedite the power transformation of the country from the current unelected dictatorship to an elected government that immediately start solving the century old questions and problems that the Oromo people in particular and all Ethiopians in general were asking and facing.
This, (the transition , not necessarily the election of Lamma by itself) is the only road to peace and democracy without risking the country and its people to a catastrophic disintegration.
The personalities on OPDO ‘s side (old or new) need to put unity, remorse and redemption before temporary power hunger, continuous patented sellout attitude of the OPDO and conspiracy and get behind Obbo Lamma Magarsa to help him cleanup OPDO’s closet from enemy agents and lifetime contractors of the TPLF enterprise.
The majestic Qeerroo and Fanno need to be reload and stand vigilant to monitor TPLF’s move, sniff out the sellout ‘s activities and if confirmed the genuine move and performance of Lamam megersa himself.
No person or group is bigger than the cause thousands of people sacrificed for. Everyone is verified before trusted and given a blank check.
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